
All the common configuration tasks in Velai can be achieved via annotations on the task implementation class.


The following example illustrates use of the most common annotations.

public class MyTask implements Callable<Void> {
  private ExecutionContext execution;
  private double fractionDone = 0.0;
  public void preValidate() throws RejectedExecutionException {
    // any initialisation and/or error checking that needs to be
    // done when a call is made to TaskExecutor.start() or
    // TaskExecutor.execute().
  public void prepare() {
    // anything to do prior to call() being executed.
    // Typically defined within super-classes.

  public void cleanup() {
    // anything to do after call() being executed.
    // Typically defined within super-classes.
  public Void call() throws Exception {
    while (!execution.isCancellationRequested(true)) {
      // do stuff
    return null;

  public void cancelled(boolean mayInterruptIfRunning) {
    // anything special that needs to be done immediately,
    // such as calling Object.notify() on something

  public void pauseStateChanged() {
    if (execution.isPauseRequested()) {
      // anything that needs to be done as it is paused
    else {
      // anything that needs to be done as it is resumed
  public ProgressState getProgress() {
    return new ProgressState() {
      public Double getFractionDone() {
        return fractionDone;


The following table lists all the annotations and their purpose. For full details of each annotation, see the javadocs.
Annotation Description
@AfterCall Called just before is executed.
@BeforeCall Called just after is executed.
@Context Marks the injection point for an ExecutionContext instance within a task.
@Daemon Indicates that a task should be executed within a deamon thread if executed asynchronously.
@Init Called just before is executed, in the same thread as the call to Executor.execute() or Executor.start(). Typically used to validate that the task can be started.
@OnCancel Marks a method for immediately handling cancellation.
@OnPauseStateChanged Marks a method for immediately handling requests to pause and unpause.
@Progress Marks a method for indicating instantaneous progress of the task.
@ThreadName Marks a method or field to supply the name of the thread when the thread is first created.